Play & Learning
Honey Bees
Daily Routine

Your child’s routine is unique to them and we recognise that this may change as they grow and develop. Our team of experienced staff are able to adapt to meet the needs of your child and so please use this as a guide only:
Children are greeted by their Key Person and supported to settle with a favourite story in the cosy area, get messy with the malleable resources or the freedom to explore what’s on offer independently.
Breakfast time! The children all sit at the same level to promote social interaction with both staff and their peers with our youngest children sat in low level high chairs.
Free-play. Children have the choice to explore the carefully planned provision, both indoors and outside whilst being encouraged to take part in some the exciting adult-led activities on offer. This might include painting, baking or dancing! Personal care routines are sensitively managed during the session to ensure children feel safe and nurtured. The Key Person is never far away from your child to support the development of positive relationships and to help your child feel secure.
Circle time. All of these sessions have a focus on early communication which you may hear us refer to as ‘Phonics’. Children will listen to their favourite short stories, rehearse familiar nursery rhymes, often with the support of props for the children to hold and join in with specific games to promote their understanding, listening and speaking skills.
Lunch time. Children are encouraged to feed themselves, where possible, and when they are ready, start to drink out of a cup rather than a beaker. The Key Person will work closely with you to understand your child’s stage of weaning. Any allergies must be detailed in writing to Nursery Management.
Many of our Honey Bees children will have a sleep after lunch then are ready to play outdoors or indoors in the afternoon. The outdoor environment is planned in the same way as the indoors, with resources that reflect the children’s interests and developmental needs, enabling staff to engage in purposeful play.
Nappy changing time as needed.
Circle time again, with Phonics activities.
After tea the children have free-play time until they are collected. Detailed feedback is provided to parents whilst the yellow also contains key information such as nappy changes, sleep times and how much your child has eaten.