Play & Learning
Busy Bees
Two Year Integrated Review

When your child turns two, their key person will complete a 2 Year Review; a short summary of how your child is progressing throughout the Prime Areas of the EYFS Curriculum. Comments will be made about their Communication and Language, Physical Development and their Personal, Emotional and Social Development skills. You will then be asked to read, comment on and sign the review and keep it in the back of your child’s red book to be shown to the Health Visitor at your child’s 2 year review meeting. These two reviews will be used to identify the child’s progress, strengths and needs.
As a result of this review, we may feel it necessary to make a referral to external services such as Speech and Language or to seek further advice from our Area SENCo. We will always communicate clearly with parents about our suggested actions to be taken, to fully support your child to achieve their potential and would not contact these external agencies without your prior permission.