Play & Learning
Worker Bees
Free-flow Play
During free-flow play, the children are able to choose where to learn, explore and role-play. The continuous provision is planned carefully to ensure it supports each child’s next steps and staff further enhance this by teaching new skills or asking questions to extend the children’s thinking. Staff make regular observations using Tapestry and track each child’s progress termly to ensure that we are providing appropriate and challenging activities for all of our children.
Children will experience free-flow learning for the majority of the day meaning they can seamlessly play both in and outdoors whilst staff sensitively join their play and question their thinking to ensure all children are challenged. There are always adult-led activities taking place, however children’s learning will not be interrupted to suit the needs of the adult, instead the adult will adapt to meet the needs of the child through their chosen play. The door to the outdoors will remain open, regardless of the weather, so please provide suitable clothing all year round. In addition, the children will enjoy regular Forest School sessions and visits to our wonderful Meadow.